eLearning Africa shows the world “what an exciting, innovative continent Africa is” say the organisers of Africa’s leading conference on technology assisted learning and training. Last year’s eLearning Africa, which took place in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire from 23 – 27 October and focused on “the keys to the future: learnability and employability” was a “great success,” they say.

“eLearning Africa is a content driven conference and it brings together everybody working in this domain of digital education – people doing research, building tools, teachers, small companies, big companies. It’s a fabulous meeting ground,” says Rebecca Stromeyer, the founder of eLearning Africa and Chief Executive of ICWE GmbH, the German company, which organises the event. “It has really helped to show the world what an exciting, innovative continent Africa is and it has focussed attention on the role technology can play in spreading educational opportunity and meeting the UN’s development targets.”
eLearning Africa has gained a reputation for leading the discussion on key issues in African education and training. Its programme includes a ministerial round table, as well as debates, seminars and discussions. One minister described the event as “the new reference theatre for the inter-generational transmission of new knowledge at the continental level.”
Llewellyn Scholtz (Executive Director of Genesis CITI / I-CAN Centre) was afforded the opportunity to represent South Africa in terms of e-learning / e-skills and having an inclusive approach using technology in marginalized communities.

When Llewellyn steps out in delivering a speech, undoubtedly he represents a manifold of relationships / partners in articulating his success and impact. The Western Cape Government, specifically the Department of Economic Development, City of Cape Town, Herotel Sonic Telecoms, Certiport, Masterskill & mElimu are the strategic partners that forms the ecosystem of having an inclusive approach towards technology in local communities. The public – private partnership demonstrated, has made a tremendous impact with the region of Cape Town, a city that was tattooed by apartheid regime, alternatively becoming a renowned tech capital through public – private partnership with Western Cape Government and City of Cape Town Municipality.

The presentation delivered at Abidjan in 2019, focused on the co creation approach of building Inclusive Skills Hubs and the proposed tech – skills for African Youth.
Abstract “With the rapid growth of tech skills hubs across Africa, many of these hubs aim to grow 4IR vocational skills as enabler for economic growth within various industry sectors, but fail to have an inclusive approach towards digitalization. With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the World Economic Forum identified future jobs that will thrive by 2020. Future jobs will require unique skills integrated with relevant technology. Conversely, a digital skills gap exist in South Africa which will grow as technology is currently growing. Most tech hubs in Africa offer the unique skills that aims to catch up with 4IR technology, but fail to implement an inclusive approach incorporating digital literacy. A public access facility approach within a tech hub is the ideal solution to integrate entry-level digital literacy as a benchmark and primary key driver to make all citizens feel part of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The inclusive approach will accelerate development in society and the potential digital workforce. The presentation will focus on the 1) role of public access facility approach within an exclusive tech hub, 2) inclusive with digital literacy as an enabler for creating digital citizens!”

Certiport, A Pearson Vue Business whom attended the conference in Abidjan, is the strategic global partner of Genesis Community IT Initiative. Inclusive with Masterskill, a local South Africa for profit company who supports Genesis CITI (Social Enterprise) in all initiatives in relation to global recognized industry vendor certification. Llewellyn represented both Certiport and Masterskill in its presentation and socializing other African countries educational officials and detect entrepreneurs.
Many Universities and TVET Colleges showed potential interest in how global recognized industry vendor certification can be integrated into higher education curriculums. Also, professors and lectures expressed their concerns on curriculums that are outdated against the 4th Industrial Revolution.

In reimagining basic and higher education, we believe that global recognized industry vendor certification can serve as a common denominator to Industry 4.0 skills, and create a global standard where skills can be measured, evaluated & implemented. The scalable approach that Certiport provides in its products are revolutionary, where Skills Hubs across Africa can offer global recognized industry vendor certification to service the immediate workforce community with skills.
Although various African countries has a contextualized approach to its curriculum, the Certiport products can create an UBUNTU of learning, a vision of the African Union Agenda.
The COVID-19 lockdown has captured a new realization of e-learning for many educational institutions! Although it was always in a form of discussion and an optional way of teaching, e-learning has become the rescue mission of many institutions. For South Africa, the lockdown is an immediate radical educational revolution! As an overnight courier express need to deliver parcels, so it is with the SA Education Department at the moment. With the concern of social and economic disparity, there is great resistance from many on the aspect of adoption of this revolution!
“The biggest hurdle, is for students who don’t have access to these technologies, to complete school work. The minimum salvation to the issue can be to have a cell phone with “Whatssapp” to share screenshot notes voice notes. Secondly, using Google Classroom can aid to develop online assessments for students! Miraciously, everyone that has a gmail account, has automatically a google classroom which can be activated! Thirdly, the zoom app can do advance online learning through demonstration of a shared powerpoint! Lastly, to drive a Rolls Royce in the world of E-Learning, I recommend the mElimu LMS platform!” – quoted directly by Llewellyn Scholtz

With the advent of COVID-19 lockdown in South Africa, the educational doors were closed for all students! This left many experts to worry about the education curriculum plagued by the cover-19 crisis, and how to move forward. Although many websites were opened for curriculum training and obtained zero data status, Genesis CITI, Certiport & Masterskill partnered together to assist two subjects: Computer Application Technology and Information Technology. The “Jasperactive platform”, is an online kinesthetic Learning and Validation platform, the only platform in the world to address and customize learning needs as student’s progress on the platforms. The platform will make students competent in Microsoft Word 2016 / Microsoft Excel 2016 & Microsoft Access 2016. visit www.open2study.online

Finally, the online kinesthetic Learning and Validation platform addresses the Draft Framework of Curriculum Recovery 2020; in curriculum trimming, curriculum re-organization and accelerated learning programs, stated by Angie Motsheka, SA Education Minister. https://grade12cat.open2study.online/2020/04/14/unlock-free-digital-learning-platform-for-grade-12-students/
The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) welcomed the “Jasperactive Platform” as a pilot during the COVID-19 lockdown for Grade 12 students.
Personally, The E-Learning Conference that has been hosted in various African countries, under the leadership and coordination of Rebecca Stromeyer ICWE company, has contributed greatly towards my creativity and innovation within the Education Technology industry. Having met like minded individuals on the aspect of e-learning, I reflected deeply on the “red tape” & “red carpet” approach we experience in South Africa to revolutionize education.
With WCED, I have experienced a “red carpet” approach, which I highly appreciate, as it will positively impact many students within the Western Cape.

Conclusively, technology is here to stay! Therefore access and adoption must become our primary approach in transformation!

The need has grown where various employment accelerators, agencies and social enterprises has approached Genesis CITI to look at how unemployed youth can be skilled during the COVID-19 lockdown period. As lockdown will provisionally extend within the month of June, Llewellyn are engaging with his global and local partners to provide free access for unemployed youth.
Conclusively, technology is here to stay! Therefore access and adoption must become our primary approach in transformation to create EQUALITY!